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Dec. 2012
Spanking Classmates (by L.S., student in RSA)
Spanking has always fascinated me but I never knew the term before. I grew up in a black community and attended
public schools and when I was in primary school corporal punishment was well practised. Between 12 and 13 I was
going through adolescence and I always got sexually excited in class when I saw any of my teachers hitting a girl
on her bottom with a stick however it was only when I got to grade 12 (senior year) in high school that I spanked
someone for the first time. Here is my story:
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School was like my kingdom and I was very well respected by both my teachers and fellow students which resulted
from my academic abilities. In grade 6 I was a prefect and I became a chief prefect in grade 7. That's what I
achieved in primary school. In high school I achieved a lot more.
When I got to grade 10 I had to choose subjects and I chose to do maths and science. I excelled at both subjects but
as years went by my interest for spanking grew to a point were I started to secretly spank myself. However being in
grade 12 and excelling in both maths and science had its benefits for me. Grade 12 is our last year in high school
and everyone wants to pass and secure themselves good empolyment opportunities and a chance to tertiary education.
Many of my fellow students found maths and science to be hard subjects but were determined to do well. After the
midyear grade 12 exams many of my fellow learners had failed and were desperate for help. Many came to me for help
as they were aware of my performance in both subjects.
There was one girl called Alice who used to sit next to me. She asked me to help her and I
agreed however I told her about punishing her by hitting her on her butt whenever she made a mistake and she actually
did not like the idea. Bur as she was desperately in need for help she finally accepted my demand for physical discipline.
One afternoon we met and I could not help but think of spanking her.
I asked Alice to bend over while writing and announced that I would spank her hard with my hand each time she made a mistake.
She then said in setswana (a native language here) "ke kopa o seka wa mpetsa botlhoko (do not hit me too hard)".
We were at school and therefore I could not spank her on her panties or her bare bottom and we
were just classmates and not dating. As she bent over to start working on the problem I had given her, I stood behind
her and watched her shapely bottom inside her tight trousers, I remember thinking to myself 'this is great'. Her
bottom made an outward bell shape sort of -?- (lack of vocubulary to explain; hope you get the picture
though = perfect round bubble).
As luck would have it she made her first mistake. Twaak!!! as I landed the first swat on her bottom. It appeared to
me that she was wearing a g-string as her trousers felt really light against my hand and I could feel her twitching bottom
meat with my hand. She remained quiet and during the entire spanking showed a very brave character
although the pain was evident as she flinched her bottom in anticipation for the second blow which I did not give
her as I instead showed her where she had gone wrong.
I gave her the same treatment for her second mistake, I just spanked her Twaak!!Twaak!! as the sound echoed through
the empty classroom. This time she stood up and said in her mother tongue: "tle mpontshe phoso yame pele o mpetsa ebile
o tlogele go mpetsa o sa mpolla (show me my mistake before hitting me and make me aware before hitting me)".
I just showed her what she had done wrong and remained quite at this stage I felt quite intense and really
sexually exciting and stood at the door for some time.
She called me when after she got stack and did not know how to continue with her problem. I told her that I would only
help her after giving her two strokes one on each of her bottom cheeks. Her reply was that the spankings were painful,
and I then told her to finish the problem on her own but the consequences would be more severe if she failed to
do so which made her change her mind without any delay. I spanked her very hard twice and she did not move but secretly
rubbed her bottom after standing up thinking that I was not looking but she suddenly stopped when she caught my eyes.
We continued like this several times with me spanking her each time she made a mistake until she told me that the
whole arrangement was not working for her, she could not write as she was scared that I would spank her anytime.
I therefore agreed to count her mistakes during each problem and I would spank her after she was done with that problem.
I counted about five(5) on the first problem she did after we had changed our rules.
She asked to go to drink some water at a nearby tap before the five strokes she was due and when she returned I ordered
her to bend over a chair rather than at the table to which she argued as it was lower, but nevertheless she did.
I told her that I would start. She bent over with her bottom facing my direction.
Twaak!!!twaak!!!twaak!! I only spanked her three times and she stood up, so I told her that I was going to start from
the beginning to which she did not agree and so we argued and to her favour one of the cleaners came in to leave her
broom at our classroom as she was going to start cleaning it next. So we instantly changed the conversation and left
after I had given her homework, but she never again came to me to ask for help; so this was the first and only spanking
I had with Alice. We never met for more lessons again as she had been able to find another guy to help her.
Having been able to spank Alice I tried to find other girls who needed help and would be willing to be punished
like her. So I found two more girls who were friends. When I met them after school in one of the
classrooms I taught them certain problems and I asked them to do some problems which they both got correct but I still
wanted to spank both girls, so I brought a new rule which was that the girls
were both subject to an initiation punishment. They both argued but ended up giving in. So I spanked them together on
their uniforms by making them bend over a desk and hitting them 3 times very hard with my hand.
The girls complained all the way when we went home but approved of the idea. On the next one girl was not at school
so I only met the other. I wanted to do somthing different so I spanked her with a stick for homework that was
incorrectly done. She nearly cried which scared me a lot as I thought she would get me in trouble with the principal
or her parents so I stopped spanking her for any of her errors for the rest of the afternoon.
The exams were really close and pressure was put on me to do well by my principal, teachers and family as I was the
best student in my school and my fahter died when I was young and I am my mothers hope to a better life so I decided
to focus more on my exams. In 2011 I took a gap year and spanked a few other girls from my school. I am now at varsity
and have not spanked any more so far, but my desire is still mighty.
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Klassenkameradinnen verhauen (ein Bericht von L.S. aus Südafrika, frei übersetzt von M.Tapir)
Spanking hat mich immer fasziniert. In meiner öffenlichen Grundschule waren Körperstrafen normal und mit Beginn der Pubertät hat es
mich immer sexuell erregt, wenn ein Lehrer einem Mädchen in der Klasse mit dem Stock den Hintern verdrosch. Und im letzten Schuljahr
habe ich es dann selbst getan.
In diesem Abschlussjahr hatten viele Mitschüler Schwierigkeiten, den Abschluss zu erreichen, und weil ich sehr gut in Mathematik war,
wurde ich oft um Hilfe gebeten. Als eine Mitschülerin namens Alice, die in der Klasse neben mir sass, mich um Hilfe bat, stimmte ich
unter der Bedingung zu, dass sie eine Bestrafung akzeptierte, wenn sie Fehler machte.
Und eines Nachmittags war es so weit, denn ich dachte nur daran, sie zu verhauen. Ich sagte, dass ich ihr jedes Mal wenn sie einen Fehler
machte mit der Hand eins auf den Po geben würde. Sie antwortete: "schlag mich nicht zu grob". Gerne hätte ich sie auf den
Schlüpfer oder den nackten Po gehauen, aber in der Schule ging das nicht. Als sie sich vornüber beugte und an ihrer Aufgabe zu
schreiben begann, betrachtete ich hinter ihr stehend ihren wohlgeformten Hintern, der eine perfekte Rundung in ihrer engen Hose bot.
Zu meinem Glück machte sie bald den ersten Fehler. Klatsch!!! bekam sie den ersten Hieb. Es schien mir, als ob sie nur einen G-String
unter ihrer Hose trug, und ich konnte mit meiner Hand ihre vibrierenden Pobacken fühlen. Sie ertrug es tapfer, obwohl es gezogen
hatte, denn sie kniff ihren Po zusammen in Erwartung eines zweiten Schlages, den ich ihr aber nicht gab, sondern ihr zunächst ihren Fehler
erklärte. Für den nächsten Fehler gab es die gleiche Behandlung: Klitsch!!! Klatsch!!! schallte es durch das leere
Klassenzimmer. Sie erhob sich und sagte: "erkläre mir meinen Fehler zuerst und kündige es an, ehe du mich schlägst".
Ich war echt in starker sexueller Erregung und stand schon in der Nähe der Tür. Sie rief mich aber zurück, als sie mit ihrer
Arbeit nicht mehr weiter wusste. Ich sagte ihr, dass ich nur helfen würde, nachdem ich ihr je einen Hieb auf ihre Pobacken gegeben
hätte. Als sie meinte, dass das zu sehr weh täte, sagte ich, dass sie die Aufgabe allein lösen sollte, aber wenn das nicht
klappen würde, dann müsste sie mit noch strengerer Bestrafung rechnen. Da akzeptierte sie dann doch die zwei angekündigten
Hiebe, die sehr kräftig waren und wonach sie heimlich ihren Po rieb.
Das wiederholten wir einige Male, bis sie mir erklärte, dass sie nicht schreiben könnte, wenn sie immerzu was hinten drauf
bekäme. Also änderten wir die Abmachung so, dass wir die Fehler sammelten und später bestraften, und so machte sie 5 Fehler
allein in der ersten Aufgabe danach. Sie bat mich, vor den 5 Hieben etwas Wasser trinken gehen zu dürfen, und als sie zurück kam,
befahl ich ihr, sich über einen Stuhl anstatt den Tisch zu beugen. Es gefiel ihr zwar nicht, weil das so niedrig war, aber sie
gehorchte und drehte ihren Po in meine Richtung. Klitsch!!! Klatsch!!! Klatsch!!! Nachdem ich nur dreimal zugeschlagen hatte, erhob sie
sich schon, und ich sagte, dass ich noch einmal von vorn anfangen würde. Damit war sie aber nicht einverstanden, und als wir
darüber noch diskutierten kam zu ihrem Glück eine Putzfrau herein, die demnächst hier weiter machen wollte. Also mussten wir
abbrechen, ich gab ihr Hausaufgaben, und sie hat mich nie wieder um Hilfe gebeten. Sie hatte danach auch jemand anderen gefunden, der ihr
Nachdem ich Alice so züchtigen konnte, versuchte ich noch andere Mädchen zu finden, die Hilfe brauchten und in eine gleichartige
Bestrafung einwilligten. Ich fand zwei befreundete Mädchen, die aber fehlerlos arbeiteten und die ich trotzdem bestrafen wollte. Ich
verlangte von ihnen eine "Initialbestrafung", wozu sie sich nach einigem Zögern einverstanden erklärten. Also mussten sie sich in
ihren Schuluniformen über den Tisch beugen und jede bekam dreimal meine kräftige Hand zu spüren. Die Mädels beklagten
sich zwar auf dem Weg nach Hause, aber sie waren einverstanden. Am nächsten Tag fehlte eine in der Schule, und ich traf mich allein
mit der anderen. Wegen fehlerhafter Hausaufgaben entschied ich mich, etwas anderes zu machen, und schlug sie mit einem Stock. Sie war fast
am Weinen, was mich sehr erschreckte, und weil ich befürchtete, dass ich Ärger mit dem Principal oder ihren Eltern bekommen
könnte, hörte ich auf, sie zu schlagen.
Nach dem Examen habe ich noch ein paar Mädels aus der Schule verhauen. Jetzt studiere ich und habe keine Gelegenheit mehr gehabt, aber
mein Verlangen danach ist immer noch stark. |