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April. 2008
Webfinding: Spanked Black Bottoms (a DVD from "Pacific Force")
There are so many spanking sites, offering so many videos and pics, but whenever you search for black girls you will meet with difficulties
in finding appropiate material. Regarding the percentage of black people among the entire population, they are absolutely under-represented
in spanking productions. I created my homepage especially to care about this subject, and besides my own private productions I will try to
give you as many informations from outside as ever I get aware of.
Just recently I came upon a DVD edition from Pacific Force. I did not watch it yet, so I cannot give you a review and will repeat what they
wrote about it. But I must tell you that I absolutely agree with their opinion:
It’s no secret that black girls sport some of the finest booty on the planet. Their bottoms are perfectly round, jut out and are
simply irresistible. These behinds are also wonderful to spank as they have a tendency to jiggle under the palm of a hand. We chose two
beautiful black females that have impeccable bottoms just made for spanking:
Scene One: Pamela Paine Spanks Sinnamon Love
Sinnamon is the proverbial spoiled brat who’s just aching for a spanking. She’s told over and over again to watch her table manners but
instead continues to slurp her spaghetti and chug her wine. Pamela takes Sinnamon by the ear, grabs a straight backed chair and pulls the
naughty girl straight over her knee. What follows is a traditional OTK hand spanking with loud, resoundingly spanks. Sinnamon exclaims,
“This really hurts. You spank too hard!” And she means it. Pamela delivers a full blown OTK spanking over her very tight jeans, pink
full-back cotton panties and amply luscious bare bottom. The spanking is real and so are the sassy brat’s verbal and physical reactions.
It’s not easy to turn a black girl’s bottom red, but Sinnamon sports a blushing, deep crimson bottom by the end of her ordeal.
This is a very realistic looking spanking with an older woman teaching a younger girl a lesson about lady-like behavior.
Scene Two: Sydnee Capri Spanks Stacey Cash
Stacey gets into trouble when she emails Sydnee's boyfriend for a secret tryst. She falls straight into a trap that leads
to heavy duty spanking and scolding. You’ll be amazed when you see how high Stacey’s curvaceous bottom juts into the air when she is
pulled over Sydnee’s lap. Syndee administers a non-stop spanking on Stacey’s tight, clingy dress, form-fitting full back panties and
pert bare bottom. Stacey’s delicious chocolate skin becomes even more enticing with a warm pink glow. Be sure to take note of the look
on Stacey’s face as the spanking builds in intensity. Her expressions are genuine. Two fine looking females generate sexy spanking action.
To learn more about this DVD you may proceed to a promotional picture assembly as given by Pacific Force.
At the bottom of this page you will also find a
link to the original page where you will have the opportunity to buy this video. I am shure, Sydnee is the same model which
is acting as spankee in a video from "Whippedass" which I reviewed earlier. (Read this review)
Those of you who know me and my page will also have learnt that I'm very fond of panties. Especially spanking on them is a great thrill for
me, as displayed in many of my own pictures and videos. Glad to know that I'm not alone with this passion and that Pacific Force too is
contributing to this speciality. They are offering a DVD "Spanking on Panties"
which will be of interest for those sharing this passion. Though nice white or light coloured panties on black skin reveal their utmost charme,
this is still a remarkable edition as you may judge from their thumbs:
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"Panties are an exciting part of the spanking experience. Sensual fabrics offer little protection but provide lots of accentuation to
the female derriere. Traditionally, panty spanking is the ‘appetizer’ but this time it’s the 'main course'. Welcome to another original,
first-of-it’s-kind, Pacific Force production."
Again I fully agree to this statement of Pacific Force. The only difference to my publications is, that my models are black. Have a look
at some of my panty thumbs taken from my galleries. Isn't that best delicious black chocolate in highly tempting wrapping?---and they all
do get spanked! For this purpose I created a new subdirectory on my page: