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Apr. 2010
Giant African Booties (a background report found
at www.afrik.com
(by Aurore Assombri)
Maggi Cube: A suppository and enema for a "bubble butt"?
"bubble butt" temptation is too much albeit risks
Claiming that their men prefer plumper buttocks, some women in the Democratic Republic of Congo have
turned to the use ![]()
A rumba hit song entiled "Ntaba Bandundu" and performed by Shiko Mawatu talks about the infedilities
of a woman. The song, written in Lingala, evokes a taboo subject. "You have already used eight from
the ten you took from the kitchen", begins the song, "use the remaining two to season the beans", it
continues. Helene is not happy about her friend's indescriminate use their stock of Maggi Cubes to
enhance "her butt."
Indeed, some insert this seasoning condiment into their anal canal with the intention of developing
the type of generous "butts" that Congolese men are so crazy about. The maggi condiments, which come
in both solid and liquid forms, instead of being used for cooking purposes, are being used as
suppositories or enemas, respectively. Kerwin Mayizo, a presenter on Radio France International and
France Inter was quoted as saying: "these women think that since Maggi Cube contains lots of nutritional
elements and that directly placing them where it matters would help them gain weight on their behinds".
Maggic ?
The music expert points out that some big names on the music scene in the country require that their
dancers use the "cube". He talks about some of the scenes he witnessed, particularly a schedule that
a group of the girls, selected to become dancers in a group, were made to follow: "The girls lived
together in a villa. In the morning, a dance choreographer would take them through a routine. Around
10 am, they meet with their beautician who gives them beauty lotions, including cosmetic products to
bleach their skin. Afterwards, they are given three very heavy meals. In the evening, a medical
practitioner comes by to inject them with Durabolin (an anabolic steroid). As the end of their stay
draws closer, five out of ten girls are retained to become part of a dance group. To increase their
chances of being selected, some of the girls turn to Maggi cube".
The results of this practice are uncertain. But girls who are successful with the trick do not
hesitate to parade the streets showing their "maggic booty". This has led those who are naturally
endowed to refer to the Maggi users as "cheats", especially when the "fake" behinds draw the attention
of their boyfriends.
Sexy to death
Antoinette (not her real name) is one of the unlucky ones. "My butt has not grown. Everything goes into my hips but my
butt has practically remained the same" the 24 year old woman laments. Following this failure, Antoinette
decided to put an end to this harmful and unhealthy practice. Many women have had to deal with
infections due to this wrongful use of the spiced condiment. The less fortunate ones have tragically
lost their lives.
Given the health hazards involved in this practice, awareness campaigns have been conducted. More
girls, especially educated ones, are aware of some of the dangers involved, however, the temptation
to grow a "bubble butt" is sometimes too much for thin girls, even those who know the dangers, all
too well.
Roundnesses at any price
The Congoleses seek to grow bigger to seduct (by Octave Kambale Juakali, originally published at www.afrik.com but abandoned now)
Criterion of beauty on the international podiums of the beauty, the small size is not desirable in the Democratic republic of Congo.
The young Congoleses prefer themselves rather well in flesh to draw the attention of the males. This pushes them to use of all the
stratagies to fulfill the aesthetic criteria. Often with the detriment of their health, alas.
Being thin is not good for the women, in this period of pandemia of AIDS, as in the Democratic republic of Congo (DRC).
One passes too easily for being infected and it is not pleasant in a company whose guns of the female beauty are contrary to those of
the Western aesthetics. The Congoleses like the generous curves. Also the women tend to avoid being thin or contrary too obese.
Questioned on this subject, much of them affirm indeed to agree to the say of the men who prefer the women with the round hips.
"It is true that a woman with the mannequin shape is not that which attracts the Congolese men more. We notice it in the streets
and on the terraces of bars. A thin woman passes practically unperceived while that with the generous hips causes admiring comments
of the men", explains Christine Tshamala, saleswoman in clothes store. Many women visit her shop. For better serving them, she
installed giant mirrors where the customers can, with leisure, admire themselves in all the forms. "They are desperate when the dress
that they test does not emphasize their forms, especially the centres and the hips", she confirms.
The dance ndombolo on the dock
The phenomenon is rather recent and is exacerbated by the appearance of the stars of the modern Congolese dance.
Qualified to be obscene in certain cultural mediums, the current dances - at the origin of the folk dances - particularly underline the
movements of the hips. Many African television stations don't hesitate to broadcast the famous ndombolo which in a certain way resembles
the mapuka of the Ivory Coast. The fact that these dances occupy the major part of entertainment programs on all the television
channels of Kinshasa encourages the young Congolese people to imitate the dancers, particularly in their presentation.
"It is in fact the too tight trousers of the dancers which provide this impression of obscenity to certain people. But the ndombolo
is a cultural body expression, very normal in the province of Bandundu", explains Stephan Kwimi, teacher. "Generally, the traditional
dancers wear the loincloths and people do not want to imitate". In Kinshasa, the clothing fashion finally is very close to the body.
To the great disappointment of the mothers of the family.
Veterinary products
That becomes more and more a true drama with the Congolese young women who have a small size. Obsession to grow bigger at any costs
induced many of them to consume medical hormonal products like Durabolin, a veterinary product to fatten the cattle before
slaughtering. All the questioned women never affirm to have used this extraordinary product, but all unanimously admit that the
practice is current among women in Kinshasa. "There exist also special vitamins", explains Clarisse. "It is a complicated process.
But me I do not have reasons to worry on this subject because I am already sufficiently big".
Certain men confirmed to be in the category of those which do not love the thin women. For José Mpoyi, business man, it is
mental: "One never knows with what one engages with a thin woman. AIDS caused so many devastations and we saw many of our buddies
dying of this disease". José belongs to these Congoleses who does not understand why the Congoleses like to take part in
beauty contests of occidental style. "In my opinion, one should organize two kinds of beauty contests. One for the expatriates and
the other for the Congolese public".
Dangerous for health
However, no rule without exception, there are also these Congolese men who prefer them thin and slender. The only trouble, they say,
is that they get into disputes with the expatriates. Indeed, it is not rare to see Congoleses with the gestures of top-models attending
the nightclubs of the center of the city. Perhaps the only places where they can leave their footprints.
Whereas Durabolin is a big bargain for the pharmacists, there are many risks for the misfortune of the users. Dr.Mujinga does not
know exactly which kinds of troubles they produce but strongly fears that the product might act negatively on the hormonal balance
of the woman. On the other hand it is strange that the public services do not react against the abuse of this product which,
to be considered well, is not intended for human consumption.
![]() French version
Videoclip African Makossa Dancing
Report Mapouka (incl. Links to Booty dancing)
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